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Goal: 61 / 1000

Raja W.

Hello! This is a portfolio of most projects I have ever made.1 Really! Because I have a large array of projects to organize, I have created a system to title and curate projects that makes it easy as possible to find and group similar projects.

Let me preface by saying that most projects are in a completely unusable or unfinished state. Most that are unfinished will continue to be and forever be unfinished.

E100P0507A01 - nbody01

n-body simulation of the solar system.

E120P1010A00 - reader00

Reading data off of a memory chip.

P500P0205A03 - On Ego

An essay about ego.

R100P0917A00 - deeper_learning

Learning, deeper-style.

R500S0207A04 - AP Physics C: Impulse Lab

Determining mass with momentum.

ID string

Each project is assigned an id string, which have several sections that make them easy to search up. For example, this website would be catalogued under the id A150P0000A00. The current version of the id string is revision A. For revision A, Each project is assigned a 12 character identifying string.

x xxx x xx xx A xx
- --- - -- -- - --
|  |  |  |  | |  └-> object #
|  |  |  |  | └-> id string revision 
|  |  |  |  └-> 5. object series
|  |  |  └-> 4. frameworks used
|  |  └-> 3. exigence
|  └-> 2. disciplines
└-> 1. purpose

The object # can be thought of as the number of attempts I have tried a project. It’s how many of a specific project I have tried to create. It’s not in order of creation date – it’s probably in order of catalogue date. You would be surprised how high this number can get.

The following tables are subject to change.

1. Purpose

Purpose is really simple – what use does this project have?

x meaning
A Made for archival purposes.
E Made for the entertainment of me or the entertainment of others.
P Made for ideological, political or otherwise, persuasion.
R Made for educational or research purposes.
U Made as a utility to other projects.

2. Disciplines

Each digit in this three digit number represents a different discipline that was required to make this project. It’s basically a list of disciplines required for a project. No more disciplines is represented with a 0. For example, a project that just used programming would start with R100.

x meaning
1 Programming, computer science.
2 Electrical engineering, circuit design, PCB fab.
3 Art: painting, drawing, pixel art.
4 Music: compositions, arrangements.
5 Writing.

3. Exigence

Exigence is a deeper purpose to the project. Why did I make it?

x meaning
P Made for personal use, for my friends.
S Made for school, university.
W Made for work.

4. Frameworks, 5. Series

Because these tables will be huge, I have dedicated another page to tabulating Frameworks and Series. This can be found here.

  1. This is currently not true as I am in the midst of setting up this site.