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E100P0413A00 - quizzer

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This idea came when I noticed that Quizlet now required payment to student for some of my online Japanese study resources. At first, I was like “okay, just not going to study.” But then the date creeped closer to a test and then I was like “okay, it’s time to study.” Now I could’ve just created physical flashcards, but then I thought that it would be nice to have a free Quizlet for everyone.

The project died pretty much as soon as I realized that it would cost money for me to host something that would actually be useful. I tried making it a static React-based site, but even still, it would have to save locally. Maybe if I made it a PWA would that come to use – but then what about cross-platform use? I wanted to store way more data than what really should be stored client-side.