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P500P0205A01 - Emotions and Thought

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This is the second thing in a series of consciousness-related and ego-related “treatises” that I made.

So in my junior year, I went through an anti-climatic relationship and breakup. However, I realized, in the period after the breakup, I felt pretty terrible. I started to analyze why I felt terrible, and I then realized that it was a continuation of my earlier “social necessity” paper. Except it was different – it revealed, instead, that I meant “ego” when I said “social necessity.” So that confusion was gone.

I realized that I felt bad because I imagined myself feeling bad. Like I would scream in the middle of a mall, and then someone would go “shut up!” And then in my mind, I imagined myself feeling bad because they said “shut up.” I remembered watching and found again a video online that described this perfectly, which you can find in the paper. I recommend watching it as it is a genuinely interesting, although long watch.

I actually wrote this in January 2024, not 2023.

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