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R100P0610A01 - assembly/01

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This is a part of R100P0917A00 .

Programs are pretty useless without libraries. I mean, I could figure out all of the syscalls or whatever to open a window… but I’m not doing all that. So for this one, I learned how to link my assembler up with the C standard library. main.s is dated September 7th, 2023 – about nine days before my birthday. What a nerd.

Through a lot of headache and reverse engineering, I learned what PIE meant, and finally fixed the compilation. To compile, no extra flags are needed, as using PIE is the default. For example: gcc -o program main.s.

	.global main

	.string "Hello, world!"

	lea 	message(%rip), %rdi 	; use RIP relative addressing to put the message into rdi
	call 	puts			; call puts
	xor 	%rax, %rax		; set rax to zero (for exit)
	ret				; return

Actually, I’m not “putting the message into rdi” here, I’m actually loading the pointer to the message into rdi. But that’s neither here nor there.

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