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R100P0610A05 - assembly/05

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This is a part of R100P0917A00 .

This is actually unrelated to the assembly stuff before, although it was made in a similar timeframe. All of the files are dated September 10th, 2023. Each were written with the editor that they are named after. For example, vim.s was made with Vim. I wanted to compare and record the process of writing and compiling each to see the pros and cons of each editor for editing assembly.

All of the files are pretty much the same, and just print Hello, world. Some vary in whether or not they use leaq, and some vary whether or not there’s an exclamation point at the end of world. Pretty boring.

	.global main
	.section .rodata

.T: .string "Hello, world!"


	lea		.T(%rip), %rdi
	call	puts
	xor		%al, %al

Raw files